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Lonesome Moonlight Waltz, Part 1

This lesson is part of the course Intermediate Flatpicking Guitar with Scott Nygaard.
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About This Course

Learn to play fiddle tunes and other bluegrass and roots melodies, with an emphasis on alternate picking, simple scales, and developing good picking- and fretting-hand technique. Designed for guitarists just starting to play melodies as well as intermediate players who want to work on their flatpicking technique.
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Sally Gooden
The B part of “Sally Gooden” starts with a simple scale fragment, starting on the open G, that may be familiar from the Alternating Picking video. Scott walks you through the melody of the B part phrase by phrase, and gives you advice on keeping your fretting-hand fingers in position above the notes, as well as “planting” them: keeping them down on the fret until after you play the next note in the phrase.These are very important things to work on, as they give your playing a lot of fluidity and make your fingering more efficient.
The Intermediate Flatpicking Guitar Subscription Includes:
  • A step-by-step approach to mastering flatpicking technique
  • More than 40 extensive video lessons
  • 34 complete tunes and songs to play, with variations
  • Detailed tab/notation for all lessons
  • In-depth lessons on flatpicking and fretting-hand technique
  • High-quality video with multiple camera angles so you can see closeups of both hands in action
  • Play-Along Tracks so you can practice what you’ve learned
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Lonesome Moonlight Waltz  
Lonesome Moonlight Waltz  
Lonesome Moonlight Waltz, Part 1
Lonesome Moonlight Waltz, Part 1
Bill Monroe’s “Lonesome Moonlight Waltz” has a beautiful, haunting melody, and is a great tune for working on hammer-ons and pull-offs as well as triplets played with slurs. It’s in the key of D minor and F, but uses both the F and C major scales, as well as a few chromatic lines to connect melody notes. It’s also a good tune for working on phrases that start with upstrokes. Scott plays the whole tune through and then takes it apart, phrase by phrase, giving you advice on playing strong and clear hammer-ons and pull-offs. He emphasizes the importance of staying in position as you play the slurs. You’ll learn the A part of “Lonesome Moonlight Waltz” in this video.

  "Lonesome Moonlight Waltz" (Available to subscribers)

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