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Brittany Teaches “Down the Hatch,” Part 2: Improvising

This lesson is part of the course Fiddle Styles Workshop with Brittany Haas.
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About This Course

Meet some of the best fiddlers on the planet in these intimate workshops that get to the root of a host of individual fiddle styles. Includes 24 complete tunes and transcriptions.
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Duck River
In this lesson you'll learn the way Brittany plays the old-time classic "Duck River," which comes from Kentucky fiddler John Salyer. Brittany teaches the tune phrase by phrase, shows you a way to rock the bow to get a real old-time feel, and includes a few variations on each part, with different double stops, drone notes, and melodic variations.
The Fiddle Styles Workshop Subscription Includes:
  • Workshops with 16 of the world’s best fiddlers
  • Notation for 24 complete tunes
  • Nine lessons with Brittany teaching some of her favorite tunes
  • One-of-a-kind in-studio duo performances with Brittany and her guests
  • In-depth lessons in a dozen styles, including bluegrass, Irish, old-time, Swedish, and more
$20/Month For One Course
Additional courses only $10/month each!   •   Save 20% with an annual subscription
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Down the Hatch  
Down the Hatch  
Brittany Teaches “Down the Hatch,” Part 2: Improvising
Brittany Teaches “Down the Hatch,” Part 2: Improvising
In this video, Brittany talks about how she improvises a solo on “Down the Hatch” and tunes like it. She starts by playing it with guitarist Scott Nygaard and improvising a solo. Then she and Scott talk about how they approach improvising melodically and rhythmically.

  "Down the Hatch" (Available to subscribers)

Fiddle Articles

article: Welcome to Peghead Nation | Site Tour

How to find your courses, lessons, My Account page, Play-Along Tracks, and more.

Fiddle Videos

video: Scott Nygaard: “Where to Now?” | 25th Anniversary of “Dreamer’s Waltz”

Join us as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Peghead Nation co-founder Scott Nygaard’s influential solo album, Wednesday, May 25 on Zoom.
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